Friday, April 22, 2011

SLC Saturdays #12... Cotton Blossom Boutique

This is more of an Abby place than a Harper place, for now at least. I'm sure that in 15 years, Harper will love boutique shopping just as much as I do. I really doubt that there is any way I can raise a child that doesn't appreciate lovely clothing.

Cotton Blossom Boutique is located at 2280 E. Murray-Holladay Road in Holladay. It's a ways away from where I live, but I still try to visit as much as often as I can. Luckily it's right by the salon where I get my hair done so I can usually hit both places on the same day. I have so many cute things from here and they are some of my most worn items.

Seriously, it's probably a good thing that I don't live closer.

Anyway, as someone who used to manage a boutique, my standards are pretty high. I expect unique merchandise and excellent customer service. Visiting a boutique should feel a bit like visiting an old friend. Staff should recognize you and and call you by name. They should treat you like a person and not just a customer. If you want to be treated like a dollar sign, go to the mall. If you want to be treated like a person, go to a boutique.

Cotton Blossom meets every expectation I could ever have. It's absolutely adorable inside. The staff is so very friendly and sincere- they aren't just trying to charm you into buying stuff. They don't have to. The inventory at Cotton Blossom is so deliciously cute that hardly anyone could resist it. I was going to photograph myself in my favorite items from Cotton Blossom but after two weeks of putting it off, I've realized it's not going to happen. (I have such a hard time with photos of myself. Ugh.) I decided it would be easier if I just swiped some of their facebook photos instead...

Are you dying now? I thought so. Anyway, you can see more photos on their facebook page or you can visit them in person, just in time to pick up an Easter outfit! They are open 10-8 M-F and 10-7 on Saturdays.

Anyway, have a wonderful weekend my bloggy friends!

I'm going to try and hit a couple of SLC Saturdays spots in between Easter celebrating and family visits and I'm going to have a great time playing, snuggling, egg hunting, and eating candy with this little lady...

XOXO and Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh - my sister lives close to there and she's always trying to get me to go. I want to, but I think the adorableness is a big danger to my fiscal responsibility goals, haha.


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