Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cupcakes, Candy, Words... I'll Eat Them All This Weekend

Colt and I in 2008
This is our first photo as a "couple."
I was against being a couple.
So was Colt.
Then we saw Twilight and he got all sappy and said he wanted to be a couple.
And here we are.
Wow. Maybe I shouldn't be talking smack on Twilight all the time.

January 14th eve has arrived. Tomorrow our wedding bells will be ringing, although only in the figurative sense since they don't have any actual bells at the courthouse. Real bells or not, we are really excited. I feel like the time is perfect for us to make this change and I'm really happy to be marrying someone that I truly love. Colt and I, despite being complete opposites (Colt= hunter/sports fanatic/country music lover; Me= vegetarian/avid reader/classical music lover), have grown into a quite productive team. I know that we will build a really solid and happy home together as we attempt to practice Diligent Joy through whatever life throws at us. Besides, we laugh together every day and really, I couldn't ask for more than that.

All of the wedding planning has been relatively easy and I'm happy to say that I'm at peace with every decision. Everything has worked out perfectly. Colt's ring arrived yesterday and he loves it. My ring, in its' vintage loveliness, is more perfect than ever. I love our colors (lavender/navy/silver). Our menu is going to be yummy. The candy bar is going to be perfect. I love my dress. I love Harper's dress. I love my shoes and I really, really love my new ivory cardigan (it cost more than my dress but it is beaded and beautiful and I'm sure I'll be wearing it forever). I do think that having a 15-month old to worry about has helped me be a rather easy going bride. It's helped me see that details are only details, not to be fussed (or heaven forbid, cried) over.

Tomorrow is our actual wedding day. We are having a small ceremony with only our immediate families. Then we will head to lunch at Porcupine Pub & Grill. Colt and I chose it because it is sort of "our place." Our first kiss was in the parking lot and since being a couple, we have eaten there more than anywhere else, mainly because they have a wide variety of beers and vegetarian dishes. Colt is a beer drinker. I'm a vegetarian. Porcupine is the perfect spot for us. 

Saturday is our open house. It is going to be so fun to see all of the people that we love. It's at The Carmelle Reception Center (4075 S. Highland Dr.) from 5-8. We sent out 300 invitations. I'm sure we still managed to miss someone. If we missed you, don't worry. We love you. You should come. There will be hot chocolate, candy, and cupcakes so there is absolutely no reason not to come.

Sunday is our present opening party. Our families are coming over to enjoy left over wedding treats and watch us open our wedding presents. It's going to be great (because you know my favorite thing to do is open presents in front of people... yeah... not really... but I think I'll survive). I just have to get my house in shape before then. I don't think Colt's grandmas would appreciate the cinnamon toast crunch that is literally "crunched" into my dining room floor at the moment.

Anyway, I'm officially signing out for the weekend. I'll see you next week when I'm MARRIED! Have I told you that my name will soon be Abby Adams. How cute is that? Really? And how nice will it be to not have to spell L-O-M-E-N-T-O anymore? I never thought I'd be the name changing type but once again, I'm eating my words. Hmmm... I'm really getting quite good at that. (I won't even tell you the details of my watching Sarah Palin's Alaska all day last Sunday and actually liking it... Those were some big, loud, hateful words to eat... Don't worry. I'm still a democrat and I still think she should never be president... of anything.)

Have a lovely weekend. Come to our open house if you are in the SLC area. If not, find a delicious cupcake and eat it for me. 


  1. Good luck with everything tomorrow. Sounds like a fabulous weekend. So excited for you guys. The plans seem so perfect for you and your family.

    Love the name Abby Adams. I went from a difficult last name to an even more difficult last name.

  2. Congratulations!! I'm sure tomorrow is going to be absolutely perfect for you. And it goes without saying, but I'm DYING to see Harper all decked out in her wedding digs.

  3. Yay for last names that are easy to pronounce and spell! (Feaman to Cooper, yes please!)

  4. The Open House was great! It was good to see you and your family. Congratulations!


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