Monday, September 20, 2010

18 Days/18 Photos

I had planned for a special blog entry on Harper's birthday. I was going to post my 5 favorite Harper pictures. Ha ha ha ha... I must have been in a moment of craziness when I imagined that I could ever narrow over 1500 (yes, I took 1500 photos of Harper this year) images down to just 5. I started working through them today and wound up with 18. There was no way I could choose among them. It's like asking me to pick a favorite book or song- impossible. I'm so grateful for digital photography. It sounds silly but I am truly happy that I've been able to capture so many cute/funny/silly/amazing/magical Harper moments. I have next to no photos of me as a baby/toddler/tween and I always wish I had more. I wish I had photos with my grandparents (I don't have one). I wish I had photos of the countless piano recitals/concerts I was in as a child and teen and I REALLY wish I had more photos with my parents (all four of them).

Anyhow, as it turns out, there are exactly 18 days left until Harper turns one. Serendipity? I think so. Therefore, every day until her birthday, I'll be posting one of my favorite photos of Harper (in a completely random order).

Photo #18
Taken on June 17, 2010
Harper was 8 months
What I love most about this picture is Harper's feet.
I'm a sucker for chubby baby feet
I'm especially fond of Harper's chubby baby feet.
(even if they are sometimes a little stinky...)


  1. Oh dear, she is soooooooooooo cute <3

  2. I don't know how people narrow them down either... She is adorable. They grow up so fast!!

  3. I love your posts Abby, your little family is so cute!


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