Saturday, March 20, 2010

A New Baby is Always Exciting!

My niece Skye (whom you all know that I absolutely love and adore) is pregnant and due to have a baby boy this summer! I heard this most exciting news yesterday and haven't stopped thinking about my forthcoming great-nephew since! I love him already and can't wait to meet him.

There is something really special about nieces and nephews. I've been blessed with three beautiful nieces, two great nephews, and two (soon to be three) great-nephews. I have nieces and nephews with my birth-parent's families as well but I haven't been as close to them. Maranda, Crystal, Skye, Brady, and Zack, however, have been a signifigant part of my life. They all spent a lot of time at our house, sometimes staying for weeks at a time, or in Maranda's case, an entire school year. We have travelled together and enjoyed so many holidays and celebrations with one another. They are all grown now and not as interested in me as they used to be, (in fact, I'm pretty sure they got older and realized that Aunt Abby really is just a big dork and not half as cool as they had fathomed in their elementary years) but I love them still and the fact remains that I'd do pretty much anything for them.

I'm so very excited for Skye and I know that she is going to be an amazing mother. I am also secretly hoping that we can bond on a new level now that we will both be parents. I've been planning zoo and shopping trips in my head all day!

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