Thursday, July 29, 2010

Yesterday in the Life of Harper

Harper, in my opinion, had a good day yesterday.

My mom loves dolls. She even collects them. My favorite one in her collection is a Cabbage Patch doll my dad gave her the first Christmas they were married. She passed her doll obsession on to me and through the years I've had countless Cabbage Patch, American Girl, My Child, and Madame Alexander dolls. I received a doll for Christmas every year until I turned 18. When my parents retired, some of my sweet dolls moved on to new homes where younger girls with more time for play are hopefully loving them. A select few were chosen for keeping. They are waiting at grandma's house for my daughter to grow old enough to play with them.
 Last week when my mom was in town, she taught Harper how to play with a doll. She can now hug, kiss, and feed her baby. Unfortunately, we only had one doll in this house. The poor thing was almost ripped in two yesterday as Harper and Abby (a girl I watch) fought over her. Last night we decided to even things up and get another doll. I could not resist choosing a Cabbage Patch Kid. I was so excited and I relished in the memories that came flooding back as I opened the package and smelled that most delicious signature Cabbage Patch scent. I even bored Colt with a description of every Cabbage Patch I've ever owned.

Harper loves her new baby. We got one that is just her size...

She also got a toothbrush...
AFTER brushing her teeth, she tried to sneak some candy from the pantry (we've got a ways to go on dental hygiene education)... 
Harper was tired from her busy day. When she went to bed (with her Cabbage Patch by her side, of course) she made sure to leave us something to do...


  1. How cute! I love little girls with their dolls.

  2. I loved my cabbage patch and my child dolls. How fun that you get to pass those memories on to your daughter.

  3. So cute...Nix definitely needs a cabbage patch doll...I can't believe I haven't gotten her one yet!

  4. Those are such cute pictures!! Cabbage Patch dolls are my favorite!! I am so glad to hear that I was not the only one getting dolls for Christmas when they were in High School. Jaron tried to keep up the tradition but has forgotten the last few years.


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