Friday, July 30, 2010

I love this girl.

    I am in no way prepared for her to be 10 months old next week. I still can't believe that she is walking any more than I can believe that she is a dancing, waiving, singing toddler. Last night, as we waited for Colt to get home from work, Harper and I sat on the deck and watched the children in our neighborhood. They were oblivious to us as they enjoyed the special play that comes only with summer evenings. I'm sure you remember how fun it was to be out late into the day- to enjoy games and popsicles with your best friends, always dreading the moment when your parents would come to call you inside. When I was a little girl, I loved summers in Utah- especially at twilight when I'd get a magical feeling of forever- like I was immune to the passing of time. Now that I'm a "grown-up" that feeling is gone, ironically, since I'm at a point now when I'd like time to pass a little slower... I'd love for the first months of my child's life to stop flying by. 
    As I was thinking this over last night, it occurred to me that someday Harper will be one of those kids. She won't need me like she does now and she will run off to play, not giving me a second thought. She won't need me to encourage her to be friendly like she does now. She won't need me to lift her out of bed in the morning, (hopefully she will run from her room to ours and jump in bed with us for a morning snuggle) choose her clothes or even comb her curly brown hair. Heaven forbid the day when she will no longer need me to dry her tears or calm her fears. As I realized this, I was a little sad to think that she won't always be here, hugging me and giving me sweet baby kisses. I'm starting to see why people have more than one child. The absolute true love that comes with motherhood is addicting. 


  1. I think she'll always need you to dry her tears and calm her fears - my mom still does that for me on a regular basis. :)

  2. You could not have wrote this any better!! I miss feeling that way when I was a child and I feel like time is flying by way to fast! Even more now that I have my own baby! I want time to slow down!! It made me want to cry thinking of the babies growing up!! I'm not ready!!

  3. I loved this post! it made me cry, and my baby isn't even quite here yet! You are such a cute mommy! I love how you alk about your daughter!! I was never close to my mother and I am making it a huge goal of mine to always be close to my children. So even when they are grown they can come to me to dry their tears. What a beautiful post!


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