Monday, July 5, 2010

Every Party Has A?

Welcome to my pity party.
For a brief moment, I need to vent.
I will keep it as short as possible,
mainly because I hate being negative.
I just need to get it out before Harper wakes up.
I hate crying in front of her.

This life is often frustrating for me.
Sometimes I'd like someone to take care of me.
I'd like to have someone lift some weight from my shoulders.
I'd like someone to say that I'm okay the way I am.
(clumsy, emotional, talkative, worried, and often overly optimistic)
I used to believe I was.
I am not so sure anymore and that makes me sad.
Sometimes I get sick of being the "yeah, that's great" girl.
Sometimes I'd like to do what I want to do,
like sit by the pool with my book
or go to the park with my girls and Colt.
(I love the park)
Today is one of those times.
But of course it won't happen.
Because in a world of selfishness, I choose to be unselfish.
Yes, I said choose.
Selfishness is not an uncontrollable genetic trait.
It's a choice.
Sometimes I wish more people would realize this.

As penance for my negative rant, here is a list of what I have been most grateful for lately:
Harper because she brings me joy and she is so cute with messy morning hair.
Hazel because she makes me laugh.
Colt because he brings me my favorite energy drink.
My neighbors because they have beautiful rose bushes.
Warm weather because I can wear minimal clothing.
Great blogs because they inspire me. Keep writing, please.

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel how you feel sometimes, those days suck way bad. Just remember that Harper counts on you to be the most amazing and selfless Mom ever and she loves you no matter how emotional or clumsily you are. I am sure you are probably the most coolest Mom ever. Keep a smile on and remember you matter a lot and your day will come. And please keep blogging I am totally in love with your blog! And lets get together and let our girls play sometime and do a park date because I am in love with the park!


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