Saturday, March 27, 2010

18 Pounds and Counting

March 27, 2010
Because you are dying to know how our week has been, here is an update (and some pics to prove it):

Miss Harper is now weighing in at 18 pounds! She also learned how fun it is to sit up in the tub. Please don't worry about her being bored during her "tubby-time," she has a basket full of bath toys already. You raise your eyebrow when I say "tubby-time." Well that is what we call a bath around here; please don't remind me of my philosophy that one should NEVER baby talk with their child as I don't feel much like putting my foot in my mouth today. We'll leave that to Harper, who sticks her toes (with hot pink nails) in her mouth every chance she gets.

I learned that I can vacuum and wash my car while wearing 5-inch BCBG heels. I'll credit that skill to my pageant days.

Colt recently got some new golf clubs (thanks, Dad!) and tried them out today. He hasn't been in a while but seemed to have a great time. I fear that I'll now be sharing him with two hobbies. At least a game of golf begins at a more reasonable hour than a day of fishing. Seriously, he must really love fishing if he gets out of bed at 3:30 a.m. for it. I will get out of bed at that time for exactly one thing: Harper. Everything else can wait.

For those of you who know my mother or me, you know that we love to snack on exactly one type of delicious cracker: Wheat Thins. Honestly, I'm pretty sure that together, we could put a Family Size box away in one sitting. My nieces are in on this as well. We blame the cracker addiction on my mom, who ALWAYS has a box or two at home and in her car. Well, I'm continuing the chain. Harper tried a Wheat Thin for the first time this week and what do you know... she loved it! She cried when I took it away (apparently also inheriting my spoiled brat tendencies right along with my snack food preferences). It was such a momentous event that I made Colt take a picture. Really, I like Wheat Thins that much.

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