Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Harper Moments, Part 4

It's been a while since we had a Harper Moments post and goodness knows we are in need of one, especially since ridiculously adorable Harper Moments happen about 77 times a day right now.

Here are a few recent favorites...

Gummy Worms for Papa Doug
(Father's Day, 2012)
We talked to Harper quite a bit about Father's Day (I already told you about how much Harper loves Colt) and how we were supposed to celebrate grandpas as well as dads. When we told her that we needed to get Grandpa Doug (Colty's dad) a present, Harper looked thoughtful for a moment and then said, "Oh. yeah. Papa yike gummy worms!"

We knew that was her way of suggesting the perfect present for Papa Doug (and it really was perfect because nobody loves gummies quite like my father-in-law) so we let her give him gummy worms (and you'd better believe she gave them with the expectation that he would share with her) and a special picture. She was so proud of herself and I was proud of her for remembering what her Papa Doug loves.
Harper's coloring skills have really improved.
As she colored this, she told me:
"Look, Mama. Parper stay in the lines."

P.S. Harmon's has the best gummy worms in the world.
Just try them and you'll see that I'm right.

And She Knows It
(June 19, 2012)
Harper's aunts have taught her to sing the line "I'm sexy and I know it" from that super annoying LMFAO song. When she sings it, she does a little dance that just kills me with its cuteness. It's like a little wiggly bum shake and it's adorable. Harper knows I love this because I always ask her to do it (if I can, I'll get you guys a video).

Last night, I was getting after Harper because she kept letting our neighbor's dog in the backyard. Normally, we love to have Max over but he recently had surgery and isn't altogether healed yet and therefore, he can't play with Tucker. Heaven knows that we don't want to be responsible for an emergency trip to the vet to have an incision re-stitched.

Anyway, Harper is one smart cookie. In order to stop my boring lecture about not letting Max in until he's better right in its tracks, Harper looked me straight in the eye, smiled, and sang her little, "I sessy and I know it" line, wiggly bum shake included. Then that little stinker grinned at me and laughed because she knew she was being irresistible and she was right. That little song and dance got me and I laughed, too. Harper's plan worked and my lecture was over. 

I know I'm a total sucker but I can't help it. Harper cuteness gets me every time. 

A Little Phoneographer 
(June 19, 2012)
Last night at the zoo, Harper had her princess phone (she can't leave the house without it, like she's going to miss an important call or something). She used it to "take pitchurs" of all the animals. Here she is snapping a shot of the tigers.
Obviously, princess phoneography is serious business.

Special Delivery
(June 20, 2012)
These little hands kill me.
I can't hold/kiss/tickle them enough.

Earlier today, Harper received a package in the mail. It was from my parents. Harper is really into mail (both sending and receiving, but mostly receiving) right now and so they wanted to send her just a little treat. When the little envelope (which contained a package of Starburst) arrived, Harper was so excited. She said, "My Ariel is here! My Ariel is here!" over and over. Apparently, any and every present Harper receives is supposed to contain an Ariel (not really though... we have nearly 20 Ariels- big, small, singing, swimming, soft, hard- in this house right now, so I'd say we are good for a while). 

A Dirty Word
(June 20, 2012)
This evening, I was catching up on my friend Misty's blog. It's been a while since I was a good blog reader and my goal this week is to catch up on all of my favorites. Anyway, I took a break to grab Harper a snack. While I was at the counter making her favorite mix (Goldfish Crackers, chocolate chips, and raisins in a blue- it has to be blue or she won't have it- bowl), Harper looked at my computer. When she saw a picture of Misty's twin boys, Aaron and AJ, Harper said, "Look, Mommy! My boyfriends! My boyfriends!" 

It was adorable but seriously, how did Harper learn that word? Doesn't she know that "boyfriend" is a dirty word until she's at least 25 and a college graduate?


  1. At one point in my life, I would have thought you were exaggerating when you said that adorable Harper Moments happen 77 times a day, but now, I completely understand. I feel like I'm constantly calling or texting my husband, mom, mother-in-law or whomever else might be remotely interested to tell them what adorable or brilliant thing Carson has just done.

    1. It's true. Harper was eating chow mein noodles last night and I thought it was adorable. Ha ha.


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