Wednesday, February 23, 2011

At Least She Has Goals...

Miss Harper continues to work towards a career in circus performance. She practices by standing/dancing on every surface she can get to, including, but not limited to our dining table, my desk, the back of the sofa, the kitchen counter, the bathtub ledge (remember that?) and her daddy's tackle box (as pictured below). She has also started doing tricks for applause (also pictured below) and recently, she has taken to standing on the edge of things with a look in her eye that tells me she is just about finished working up the courage to jump.

Meanwhile, I'm reading once again and listening to music. I'm starting with Bach. I prefer to soak up everything I can from one composer at a time. I'm looking at my yoga mat. I'm thinking about it and planning on unrolling it sometime soon. I don't know what my problem is. I read about yoga, think about yoga, and give others advice on yoga. I just can't seem to practice any myself. Part of me thinks I'm still miffed at my body for not being as flexible as it was before Harper J came along. I don't know what is going on in the depths of my subconscious but I do know that since my goal is to become a yoga instructor, it would probably be wise of me to actually DO some yoga. If only I were as diligent as Harper. Someday she will be a world famous circus performer and I'll be the stiff old lady still glaring at her green yoga mat.

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